Design and layout of 130 page publication for the Danish Ministry of Education

Design and layout of 130 page publication for the Danish Ministry of Education

—  graphic design · layout · illustration · science · school · infografik

We designed the publication 'Naturvidenskabens ABC' (The ABC of Science) for The Danish Ministry of Education as a part of their national science strategy.

Photo from Zoological Museum in Copenhagen. In front you can see a 3D model of an evolutionary tree. In the background two school-children are sitting on a bench, looking at a panel of taxidermies with fish, toads and monkeys hanging on a big wall. Photo by Jens Astrup from The University of Copenhagen.

Photo: Jens Astrup, University of Copehagen

Illustration used for the cover of Naturvidenskabens ABC. The drawings from a decorative pattern and are all items related to natural science. Layout of the spread with page 10 and 11 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread is from the introductory chapter. Layout of the spread with page 30 and 31 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread contains the highlights from the chapter with acknowledgement number 2: Dynamic system of the earth. On the left there is a infographic depicting the global ocean currents and the curcuit of water in the atmosphere. Layout of the spread with page 46 and 47 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread is the introduction to acknowledgement number 4: Biodiversity. The Left page is a big illustration with different animals. The animals in focus are a polar bear, a seal and a big crow. There is also some small fish, insects and some fish. Layout of the spread with page 64 and 65 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread contains the highlights from the chapter with acknowledgement number 6: Cells and genes. The left page shows a laboratory with zebrafish aquariums in a purple light. The right page shows an infographic with the silhouette of a man holding a shield that is reflecting bacteria. Layout of the spread with page 74 and 75 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread contains the highlights from the chapter with acknowledgement number 7: Particles. The left side contains an infographic with the periodic table. The right side contains a visualisation of big bang and an infographic with a Lithium atom. Layout of the spread with page 78 and 79 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread contains two cases from the chapter with acknowledgement number 7: Particles. The left side focuses on an infographic showing the birth and development of the universe since big bang. The right side contains a big picture of the particle accelerator at CERN. Layout of the spread with page 46 and 47 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread is the introduction to acknowledgement number 9: Energy. The left side shows a big illustration with a lot of different ways to convert and transport energy. There is focus on a windmill, an electric car, power lines, a power outlet, a turbine, solar cells, batteries and a combustion engine. On the top of the right side the headline says: Energien i universet er bevaret, men kan ændres fra en form til en anden. Layout of the spread with page 80 and 81 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread contains a case and a page with important person for this particular science theme from the chapter with acknowledgement number 7: Particles. On the left side there is an article about the internet illustrated with a dark globe which is lit up by glowing lines between the big cities. The right page focuses on a photo with the danish scientists Lene Hau. Layout of the spread with page 84 and 85 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread contains the highlights from the chapter with acknowledgement number 8: Natural Forces. The left page is dominated by an infographic with the solar system. On the right page there is an infographic depicting the magnetic poles of earth. Layout of the spread with page 98 and 99 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread is the introduction to acknowledgement number 10: The Universe. The left page is a big illustration showing different planets in the solar system and groups of stars formin spiralshaped galaxies. On the right page there is focus on the headline: Solsystemet er en meget lille del af en enkelt af milliarder af galakser i universet. Layout of the spread with page 108 and 109 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread contains a description of the dilemmas connected to acknowledgement number 1. The main focus on the spread is the illustration in the background of a big textbox. Layout of the spread with page 108 and 109 from Naturvidenskabens ABC. The spread contains a description of the dilemmas connected to acknowledgement number 2. In the background of a box that stretches across the spread there is an illustration with a vulcano and a sea. Layout and design of the frontpage from Naturvidenskabens ABC published by the Danish Ministry of Education. The main element on the frontpage is some simple illustrations in one color with a science theme. The illustrations are close together and form a pattern. The focus of the illustrations are a windmill, a crow, some ears of corn, planets and models of atoms.